IPhone 6 boots to Apple logo and turns back off fix

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IPhone 6 boots to Apple logo and turns back off fix
Device IPhone 6
Affects part(s) Software
Needs equipment Apple computer
Difficulty ◉◌◌◌ Easy
Type Software

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Problem description

Repairing an issue with the iPhone 6 that boots into the Apple logo and then turns off


  • Turns on and shows the Apple logo for roughly 2 minutes and 10 seconds, then turns back off.
  • Does not turn back on by itself (not a boot loop).
  • Turns on without being plugged in and draws current when both on/off (not a battery issue).
  • Does not show up in iTunes EXCEPT when placing it in DFU mode.
  • In DFU mode, the serial number of the iPhone shows as NA in iTunes.


  1. Put it in recovery mode:
    • Plug the phone in to turn it on.
    • Hold the home button down until recovery mode is entered (this can take minutes). Letting go any earlier would cause it to turn off instead of entering recovery mode.
  2. After entering recovery mode, the iTunes logo with the data cable icon appears on the screen. The phone can then be recognized in iTunes to continue with restore or upgrade.